Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The simple answer is: I’m not! 

The long, complicated answer is, well, long and complicated, but this is my blog so, here goes…

Anyone who knows me knows, I am not a spontaneous, spur-of-the moment, by-the-seat-of-my-pants type of gal.  I think even the smallest of things through… A LOT!  

Beginning to end.
Plans A, B and C.
Alternate endings.
What will everyone think?

You name it, I will overthink it and, when all is said and done, I land on safe or not-at-all.  In terms of my comfort zone, these are wonderful places to land.  In terms of this game of life, these squares don’t get me very far.  I thought I had come to terms with my complacency until…

Flashback to church a week ago this past Sunday…sitting in my usual seat (back row of the front section right next to the pole), and our pastor is in the second week of a multiple part series titled “Think-Don’t Think”.  The first week we were encouraged to think before we speak.  This particular week we were told “don’t think” when it comes to obeying God’s will. Oooooooooo…..my heart ached.  It was as if God had reached into my chest, poked my heart and said, “I am talking to you!”

You see, this blog is not new.  It isn’t even sort of new.  God planted the idea in me over a year ago and I have been “thinking” about writing it ever since.  I had the title, a composition book full of ideas and quotes and verses, and the natural tendency to overthink it.  By the time I had finished thinking it through, I thought it wasn’t right.  I thought I couldn’t do it the way I thought it should be done.  I thought it wasn’t going to be perfect.  I thought no one wanted to listen to my rambling.  I thought I might make a mistake. I thought people might think me crazy.   I thought and thought and thought myself right back to the “not-at-all” space in my game of life.

So there I sat, in the middle of church, heart racing and palms sweating.  I knew God was talking to me and I knew what He was telling me to do.  Don’t think.  Trust me.  Obey me.  Move off your not-at-all space.  Start playing the game.

This is me…
Not thinking.
A new blog has begun!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”  Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


  1. Love it!!!!! So proud of you! Cannot wait to read more!

  2. Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!!! I am SO proud of you. I remember talking to you about this during my visit last August. This is a wonderful platform, not only you, but I am positive that you will affect the lives of many readers, myself included. Thank you for not thinking! ;)

  3. Yay!!! I have prayed for you NUMEROUS (really!) times since we talked on Sunday. I prayed that you would just do it... and you did! Awesome! God is good, and we are so fortunate to be able to just trust and obey, without fear, leaving the results to Him.
    Thank you!
    Love you!

  4. Ditto, ditto, ditto! SO proud of you! SO excited for you! SO excited for ME to get to be a part of your world!!! Love you, girl!!!

  5. Way to OBEY!!! Your writing is so fun to read! Thanks for including me in the wonderful journey of yours!
